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Fl-Broomball-artBroomball has restarted in South Florida as a weekly game at the Glacier Ice Arena in Pompano each Wednesday night from 8:45 to 10pm. Popular in the northern United States and Canada, broomball was first expanded to in Florida by Chris Carr about 25 years ago as off-season endurance training for the Boca Raton Rugby team on which he played. That eventually grew into a league of 6 teams with about 80 players, which lasted for about 15 years.We hosted an annual tournament attended by top teams from all over North America. We also created an all-star team of our own that traveled to play in tournaments in Canada, Colorado, California, North Carolina and New York State.

This new league is comprised of a nucleus of the previous players, now much older, but still highly skilled in the sport. Broomball is like ice hockey on special “sponge-bottom” sneakers using a ball instead of a puck. The tournaments we attended in the past were full-contact (checking), but our league is non-contact to minimize injuries. Gear includes broomball sneakers and stick, elbow and knee pads, and gloves. A helmet is recommended, but not mandatory.

Anyone interested in joining can contact Chris directly at 561-338-3200.

Click here to find out how Broomball is making a comeback in Broward County.